Mike Gronstal, from Council Bluffs, has been the Senate Democratic Leader since 1997. First elected to office in 1982, Gronstal served one term in the Iowa House (1983-85), and is currently in his seventh term in the Senate. He is the State Democratic Leader in the Iowa Senate and has been a lifelong advocate for public education and smart politics.


We are fortunate to have Mike Gronstal represent us, our students, our schools and our profession. In the current political climate it is vital that you understand that we need YOU. Your time, your talent, and--eventually--your treasure will be needed to make sure that we reverse the trend of legislators who are willing to sell out our children for corporate tax cuts.

Mike Gronstal on Education

By working across party lines, we were able to raise teacher pay in Iowa from 42nd to 25th in the nation. The same bi-partisan effort passed the safe-schools act to help protect Iowa students from bullying and harassment. I will work hard to ensure that:

o Iowa's families are supported in raising their children because parents are their child's first and best teacher

o Iowa keeps the best teachers in the nation by paying them a competitive salary

o Iowa's community colleges receive the funding they need to ensure all Iowans have the opportunity to get an education and improve their life

o Iowa's universities remain a vital part of the state's education system

o Iowa's schools provide children a safe environment that is conducive to learning

Together, we can ensure that Iowa has a world-class education system with fully funded public schools, universities and community colleges as well as ensuring access to early childhood education to all of Iowa's kids.


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